
It’s wintertime! That time of year where we as parents have so many things to do on our lists of chores and stress can play a factor. This is also the time of year where students thoughts turn to snow days, holidays, and family trips and so much more! So what do our priorities look like for schooling our children right now? We know EPIC is flexible so we want to use that flexibility while maintaining the essence of continual learning.

We want to be careful to not let the busyness of our winter goals to impact our children’s learning in a negative way. A key to letting our students enjoy more time off with their friends and family is to plan ahead! Talk to your teacher now about increasing the pace of your work for a few weeks so your child is ahead of schedule, then they can take a few extra break days here and there in the upcoming couple of months. Communication with your teacher is imperative!

Now, even though they may take a few days off here and there with your teacher’s approval, what can you do to prevent academic backslide while their precious minds are occupied otherwise these next few weeks? READING!

Take them to the library or jump on your E-Readers and find them a few books that they will enjoy and have them read everyday. Taking a short reading break for 15 or more minutes everyday will continue to encourage their academic motivation, curiosity and build up their memories. It has also been proven that reading will help a child to cope with stress and anxiety that may come from different schedules, traveling, and different situations they may encounter this winter. Take a book with them wherever you go to run your errands and they will have something pleasant and meaningful to engage in!

We hope your winter months are full of fun, laughter and love and books!

“A book is a dream you hold in your hand”
– Neil Gaiman

– Yolanda Merriman

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